Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Research approach and strategy analysis
Research approach and strategy analysis In this chapter researcher has presented the problem of the research and empirical analysis has been done primarily with the in depth interviews and also used secondary literature for back up. This chapter will start with research method followed by the philosophy applied for the research. Research approach and strategy are further discussed, which will be applied during the data analysis. Researcher has further discussed the data collection method, used for the findings and discussion. Finally, concluded with the ethical constraint and limitations of research in the research. This research investigates the causes of employee in the Indian call centre industry. Formulating and clarifying the research topic is the starting point of your research project (Ghauri and Cronhaug, 2002). The Indian call centre industry is facing a huge challenge of employee turnover today which is effecting the growth of call centres in India and also loss of revenue. The HR managers have implemented various strategies to retain employees. But, still the employee turnover is at peak and in this competitive industry, its critical to find out the key reason for turnover and the present strategies in practice by the managers to reduce the turnover. Thus, the purpose of the study is to look at the key factors of turnover and best practice to minimize it, by addressing following questions: Identify the factors leading to employee turnover in the Indian Call centre industry. Find out how Recruitment and Training can contribute to Turnover. Establish the issues faced by Call centre Managers in India due to turnover. Find out the effective retention strategies by HR Managers in India. Establish whether there are any other best practices or innovative ways to reduce the employee turnover. Research Method Researcher has followed the Onion process illustrated by (Saunders et al, 2003) to start the research with the best possible outcome. F:Powerpointpe_ukPE083-SaundersFinal_FilesGifch04C04NF001.gif Source: à © Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill 2006 Researcher has used the onion process as the research method and has followed the pattern judicially through out the chapter. The researcher has started the chapter with the outer part of the onion which is research philosophy. Here researcher has tried to explain the philosophy which he is going to use in the research. Secondly, the research approach is been discussed to find out the correct approach for this research. Researcher has gone to the next layer by discussing the research strategy followed by time horizons. Data collection method is done in the last phase of chapter and have disclosed the appropriate method used in the research. Research Philosophy The research philosophy depends on the way you think about the development of knowledge(Saunders et al, 2003). Many authors have discussed and defined research paradigms. To Guba (1990, p.17), a research paradigm is a basic set of beliefs that guide action. Research paradigm helps in understanding the investigation better as business and management researchers we need to be aware of commitment towards philosophy we make through our choice of research strategy. Johnson and Clark(2006) argues that the important issue is not so much whether our research should be philosophically informed, but it is how well we inform are able to reflect upon our philosophical choices. Corbetta (2003, p.13) presents a list of research paradigms as follows: Explanation Understanding Positivist Post-positivist Interpretivist There are two main paradigms named positivism and Interpretivism. Positivism was originated in nineteenth century, by French and English cultures and the further development was steered by the French culture (Corbetta, 2003).Positivists adopt the positive stance of the natural scientist(Saunders,2003). Corbetta (2003) says positivist paradigm is the study of social reality utilizing the conceptual framework, the techniques of observation and measurement, the instruments of mathematical analysis, and the procedures of the natural sciences. Positivism is a epistemological position that advocates the application of the methods of the natural sciences to the study of social reality and beyond(Bryman,2008). The methodology is highly structured so that replication can be facilitated. (Gill and Johnson, 1997 cited by Saunders et al,2003). Interpretivism emerged with the criticism of positivism, from researchers. The first criticism attack was made by German philosopher who said they are non homologous to the natural sciences, (Corbetta, 2003) and hence its not possible to separate researchers from their critics. Interpretivism helps in understanding the difference between humans in our role as social actors. Weber (1904, cited by Corbetta,2003) brought the concept of Verstehen into sociology which was more inclined toward objectivity rather than subjectivity of social science both in terms of general nature and value judgment. The Interpretivists aim at exploring the complexity of social phenomena with a view to gain interpretive understanding(Collins and Hussey,2009). Interpretivism overlooked the positivism approach towards subjectivity and used objectivity approach, built on the interpretations of individuals to understand the society. This opened the new era of sociological research with positivism being the forme r, the study of everyday life.(Corbetta,2003). In my case The research in planned to explore, what are the key reasons for employee leaving the organization and what can be done by HR managers to reduce the turnover. The researcher has chosen the Interpretative philosophy as the research has to deal with social issues. It has the elements like working culture within the organization, employee dissatisfaction and relationship with the management, this research aims to locate some complex social issues. The researcher conducts the in depth unstructured interviews observing the participant response to gain the understanding of research. The researcher feels Interpretivism is the most suitable method to do the further research. Research Approach According to Saunderss (2003), Deductive and Inductive are two main approaches which can be practised. Even though it does not hold any practical value, researcher argues that inductive approach owes more to Interpretivism and deductive approach to positivism. Inductive approach is generally is a bottom up approach and deductive approach is vice versa. Inductive approach starts with observation, then analyzing the data and finally developing the theory of the outcome. Deductive approach is in scientific research most of the time where you already have collected data, consequently you develop a hypothesis and decide whether to accept or reject and finally come to the conclusion with the statistics and data.(Burns and Burns,2008). It involves development of a theory that is subjected to a rigorous test and the attempt is made to verify the revised theory by going back to the first step and repeating the whole cycle(Hussey and Hussey, 1997 cited by Saunders et al,2003). Deductive theory is been criticized because of its rigid methodology that does not permit alternative explanations.(Saunders et, al). http://peoplelearn.homestead.com/induct.gif Inductive Approach http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/Assets/images/deduct.gifhttp://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPzzir_nrIG4DS8apIXFhnySI_50Xo_nLyJa72skH2eFRV9ezgGwhttp://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPzzir_nrIG4DS8apIXFhnySI_50Xo_nLyJa72skH2eFRV9ezgGw Deductive approach Source :(Burns and Burns,2008) In Inductive approach, researchers look into the empirical observation and draw the conclusion based on it and in Deductive approach the conclusions are made through logical reasoning. The researcher argues that inductive approach in not 100% sure about the conclusions because it is based on the empirical observation, the other approach may not be true in reality, but it is logical (Gauri and Grenhoug, 2005). The inductive approach strength is that without an understanding the human interpretation in this social world, you can make a cause-effect link between two variables.(Saunders et al,2003). Hussey (1997cited by Saunders et al,2003) says deductive approach is a dominant approach in the natural sciences where law provides the basis of explanation, permit the anticipation of phenomena, predict their occurrence and therefore allow them to be controlled. However, the science philosopher Popper (1959, cited by Gauri and Grenhoug,2005) argues though there is no such thing as objective observation and thus since theories can never be proven to be true, they can only be proven to be false. Inductive approach is generally related to the qualitative research and the deductive approach to quantitative research. Quantitative and Qualitative are the two main research methods (Blaikie, 2004). Quantitative research is generally concerned with the measurement and qualitative do not. (Layder,1993, cited by Gauri and Grohaug 2005). In qualitative research we are inclined towards the meaning and interpretation of the functioning of organization, social environment and relationships unlike in the latter where the findings arrive with statistical methods. The main difference between these research methods is not the quality but the pattern, they follow, it also depends upon the different perspective and the objective.(Gauri and Gronhaug,2005). The researcher has used the combined approach for the research as it gives the best outcome possible and gives more advantage to the research.(Saunders et al,2003). Qualitative Research phenomenological inductive holistic subjective/insider centered process oriented anthropological worldview relative lack of control goal: understand actors view dynamic reality assumed; slice of life discovery oriented explanatory Quantitative Research positivistic hypothetico/deductive particularistic objective/outsider centered outcome oriented natural science worldview attempt to control variables goal: find facts causes static reality assumed; relative constancy in life verification oriented confirmatory à Source: Cook and Reichardt (1979) http://qualitativeresearch.ratcliffs.net/1.htm In my case In order to answer the research queries, research has to understand the human behaviour and the functions. Data collected from small number of carefully selected samples on relevant issues can be sufficient in this case (Patton, 1990, cited by Gauri and Gronhaug, 2005). It was not possible to float the questionnaire across the call centre due to lack of time and availability. Therefore, researcher has conducted in depth interviews with the team member and managers of different call centres. The interviews are done via telephone because it was easily accessible and saves cost. Also it can be done in less amount of time and quickly. The only draw back is the researcher would not be able to witness the non-verbal behaviour because the interviews are not face to face interview. Researcher has tried to get the data of the research through value, needs and feeling of the employees by asking them open ended questions. The researcher has used simple and understandable language and has been c hoosy with the terminology. This will be a qualitative research in which researcher will provide the result on the basis of interviews. As researcher has also used literature to guide the questions, used combined method approach is used to get a better result. Research Strategy According to Saunders et al (2003), research strategy will be a general plan of how you will go about answering the research questions(s) you has set. It will give you a clear picture of your strategy being applied on the case and will give you a clear objective of your research question also will tell the specific source considering the constraints like access to data, time, location, ethical issues etc. There are different strategies which can be used depending on your research method: experiment, survey; case study; grounded theory; ethnography action research; cross sectional and longitudinal studies; exploratory, descriptive and explanatory studies. These strategies can be used according to the need of the research and cannot be limited to one strategy, if the research demands, researcher can use multiple strategies. (Saunders et al, 2003). In my case The researcher uses the exploratory strategy in order to meet the objective of the research. The strength of exploratory study helps you to give a strong backing to the finding by clarifying it and getting close to the objective. The researcher has conducted semi structured interviews and has covered the questions through in depth interviews. Also few of the questions have been omitted and added as per the need of the interview. With the growth of natural science philosophers became increasingly aware that a deductivecan only bring out what is already implicit in its premises, and hence inclined to insist that all new knowledge must come from some form of induction.(Stebbins, 2001). The qualitative data and inductive approach has been approached to enhance the interpretation of data. Time Horizon There are two types of time horizons, Cross sectional and longitudinal. Cross sectional is generally referred as snap shot because it is conducted in a short period of time and Longitudinal is when a research is done through over a period of time, it is also called Diary. In my Case Due to constraint of time, researcher had to take a snapshot at a particular time. The interviews are conducted over a short period of time using the qualitative method and whilst taken the cross sectional study. The cross sectional study is being approached to get the result for the research. The key factors for turn over and its resolution is calculated by conducting face to face interviews over a limited period of time. (Saunders et al, 2003). Data Collection It is very important that a successful research project must be based on high quality though process and research design must be based on flow of logic and number of assumptions which must be able to stand up to the closest scrutiny.(Saunders et al,2003). The research population for this study entails different managers from different companies. There are HR managers and operations managers being interview from the senior management including the Team Leaders. Also different team members from different call centres were picked to make sure there are no biases. (Saunders et al, 2003). Using Primary Data through Interviews Semi Structured Interview An Interview is purposeful discussion between two or more people(Kahn and Cannell, 1957 cited by Saunders et al, 2003). Due to the shortage of people to fill the questionnaires, researcher has attempted to contact the potential interviewees by conducting semi structured interviews. According to Ghauri and Gronhaug (2005),To be able to run the interview efficiently and without any disturbances, the researcher needs to know the respondent, his background, values and expectations. Keeping all this in mind, researcher has tried to fulfil all the expectations. Interviews are often considered the best data collection methods and can be done vial mail, telephone or in person. Interviews Interview by phone Personal Interview Interview by mail A typology of interviews Source: Ghauri and Gronhaug(2005) The researcher has conducted all the interviews via telephone and recorded it due to time and constraint; otherwise researcher had to go to India to conduct the face to face interviews. Researcher was able to gather valid and reliable data for the research question and objective through these interviews. Through semi structured interview, researcher covered the set of questions with the interviewees. Researcher preferred semi structured interview because it was in expensive and the database to sample was not huge, also it gave freedom to use the question according to need of the situation. Researcher has prepared open ended questions and has made two different sets. The first set is made for the team members and has two different scenarios, first being the current job and the second is on the previous job experience if applicable. The second set of questions is for the managers which will discuss the impacts of turnover and the best practice which can be implemented in Indian call centre industry. When you are undertaking an exploratory study, or a study that includes an exploratory element it is likely that you will include qualitative research interview in your approach (Cooper and Schindler, 1998). As researcher have talked to interviewees to find out the reason of turnover(Why do they leave) and also what can be done to minimize it?, basically their beliefs and behaviour in respect to turnover, the exploratory compliments the semi structured interview very well by adding value to it. The researcher has ensured the quality of the primary data was unbiased and reliable. The researcher has tried be unbiased while conducting the interviews with both managers and team members ensuring there is no hierarchy biases. Researcher has ensured that the interviews were compiled in short period of time keeping the constraint of time in mind. It took just 3 days to transcript the interviews and making sure that data was valid and accurate. Also interview had taken the permission before hand from the interviewees and did send the voice recording for their reference. This has omitted the possibility of data being misplaced or misused in a short period of time.(Ghauri and Gronhaug,2002). The interview questions are included as a part of Appendices (Appendix A and B). Access to Data Researcher got the access to interviewees by emailing the research questions to the employees and the managers in the Indian call centres. As researcher has 5 years of working experience working in the same industry, it was easy to approach the managers and the team members for the interview. They all are the inbound call centres with different customer service processes. Researcher managed to conduct interview with 5 managers from different call centres and 7 team members from different call centres again. All the interviews lasted between 30 to 45 minutes and the permission was taken by the interviewees. Interviewees are from Wipro, American express, SITEL India and V care, all these companies are the leading call centres in India. The interviewee is conducted with the operations manager, training head and HR manager from 4 different call centres in India and team members participated from 5 different call centres. All the participants are Indian, 11 male and 2 female have particip ated in the interview. The managers and team members are mostly graduates who have pursued their education from different universities. Most of the employees participated are from Gurgaon, India which is the main hub of call centres. The interviewee in the research will be abbreviated as Interviewee A, Interviewee B, Interviewee C, Interviewee D, Interviewee E, Interviewee F, Interviewee G and Interviewee 1, Interviewee 2, Interviewee 3, Interviewee4, Interviewee5 as employees and the mangers respectively, with their opinion based on the interview questions. Using Secondary Data Researcher has used the primary data as the main source, but has also referred to some of the journals for better insight. The secondary data has collected to compare with the interviews to make the base even stronger and has added value to the research. In this research, qualitative secondary data has been studied which comes under the category of compiled data, which has helped to get an inference on the turnover in the India Call Centre Industry. The author has assured that the secondary data collected is from repute cites and the data is absolutely valid and reliable. Qualitative Data The research study is analysed on the basis of qualitative data in a well planned manner and the approach is inductive, therefore the qualitative data will reflect the inductive approach. (Robson 2002 cited by Saunders et al, 2003) has said the qualitative data are the characterized by their richness and fullness based on the level of exploration of the subject, whilst researcher has concentrated in the qualitative data, which remains the key factor for the research with the interpretation of data. Researcher has used the exploratory strategy among the different methods to find out the result. The strategy adopted is Interpretivist, semi structured and inductive type of qualitative analysis.(Saunders et al,2003). In my case Researcher has taken in depth interviews with the managers and the team members of the different call centres through semi structured interviews. Secondary data has also been used marginally in order to back up the primary data. Researcher has conducted the first phase of interview with team members to find out the key factors of turn over and then with mangers to find the best practice to minimize the turnover through qualitative data. Research Methodology Overview The summary of the research methodology is categorized below for reference. Phase Method Research Philosophy Interpretive research philosophy Research Approach Combined approach inductive and deductive Research Strategy Exploratory method Time Horizon Cross sectional which includes indepth interview with different call centre managers and team members. Research Data Collection methods Semi structured interview and secondary data Ethical Constraint Wells defines Ethics in term of a code of behaviour appropriate to academics and the conduct of the search. It is important that the interviewees be aware of the transparency of the data. They should be mad aware of, for what purpose the interview is being conducted and to what extend will that be used for the academic purpose. The research should keep the ethical constraint in mind and without harming the research population to humiliation. (Saunders et al,2003). In my case Researcher has given ethics the highest priority to ethics as it can lead to integrity issue. Researcher has assured that the data provided by the respondents are kept confidential as per the laws of Call Centres and have hidden their original identity. Researcher had to face constraint while getting the interviews done with the managers of different call centre. The researcher has assured that all the interviews were recorded over the phone and has kept it with him securely as it is confidential. Researcher has also pre informed the purpose of interview to the Managers and the team member. However they have been assured that the names used will be different due to integrity issue and will be used only for the academic purpose. Limitations of Methodology The major limitation of the research is the time constraint and the availability of interviewees. The researcher wanted to go to India, personally to conduct the interviews, as the research is based on the Turnover in Indian call centres. Due to time constraint, researcher had to take interviews over the phone in a limited period of time. Also, due to less availability of interviewees, researcher could not conduct the surveys, but had to settle with the in depth interviews. The researcher has taken interviews with manager of reputed call centres and also with number of team members. Grix, J.(2004) The foundations of research. Palgrave Macmillan. Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thorn hill, A(200) Research Methods for Business Students 5th ed. Essex: Pearson education limited Corbetta, P(2003) Social Research: Theory, Methods, Techniques. London : Sage publication Collis, J., Hussey, R.(2009). Business research A practical guide for undergraduate and post graduate students. 3rd ed Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Burns, R., Burns, R(2008). Business Research Methods and Statistics using SPSS.London: Sage publication Gauri,P., Grenhoug, K(2005)Research Methods in Business Stuidies. England: Pearsono Education limited Blaikie, N(2004) Designing Social Research. Cambridge Polity press. Stubbins, R(2001)Exploratory Research In The Social Sciences.[online]. Available from: http://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=enlr=id=hDE13_a_oEsCoi=fndpg=PR5dq=exploratory+research+quatationsots=NjPGX3EDxKsig=ROhiiChNXY2ssFUEN_0DfQrmzvA#v=onepageqf=false
Monday, January 20, 2020
A Wrinkle in Time :: essays research papers
Meg Murry - The book's heroine and protagonist, a homely, awkward, but loving high school student who is sent on an adventure through time and space with her brother and her friend Calvin to rescue her father from the evil force that is attempting to take over the universe. Meg's greatest faults are her anger, impatience, and lack of self-confidence, but she channels and overcomes them, ultimately emerging victorious. A Wrinkle in Time is the story of Meg Murry, a high-school-aged girl who is transported on an adventure through time and space with her younger brother Charles Wallace and her friend Calvin O'Keefe to rescue her father, a gifted scientist, from the evil forces that hold him prisoner on another planet. At the beginning of the book, Meg is a homely, awkward, but loving girl, troubled by personal insecurities and her concern for her father, who has been missing for over a year. The plot begins with the arrival of Mrs. Whatsit at the Murry house on a dark and stormy evening. Although she looks like an eccentric tramp, she is actually a celestial creature with the ability to read Meg's thoughts. She startles Meg's mother by reassuring her of the existence of a tesseract--a sort of "wrinkle" in space and time. It is through this wrinkle that Meg and her companions will travel through the fifth dimension in search of Mr. Murry. On the afternoon following Mrs. Whatsit's visit, Meg and Charles Wallace walk over to Mrs. Whatsit's cabin. On the way, they meet Calvin O'Keefe, a popular boy in Meg's school whom Charles considers a kindred spirit. The three children learn from Mrs. Whatsit and her friends Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which that the universe is threatened by a great evil called the Dark Thing and taking the form of a giant cloud, engulfing the stars around it. Several planets have already succumbed to this evil force, including Camazotz, the planet on which Mr. Murry is imprisoned. The three Mrs. W's transport the children to Camazotz and instruct them to remain always in each other's company while on their quest for Mr. Murry. On Camazotz, all objects and places appear exactly alike because the whole planet must conform to the terrifying rhythmic pulsation of IT, a giant disembodied brain. Charles Wallace tries to fight IT with his exceptional intelligence but is overpowered by the evil and becomes a robot-like creature mouthing the words with which IT infuses him.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
History of Talk Radio Essay
What do we know about the history of talk radio? Has talk radio been successful in helping Americans deal with cultural changes? à à à à à à à à à à à Throughout history, radio has been a major source of communication where we were able to hear the latest news and current events of the time period. Through wars, depression, Presidential debates and changing times we were able to turn on the radio and listen to a radio talk show that panned in on these events. à à à à à à à à à à à We were able to hear discussions that offered opinions in which we could either agree or disagree and radio talk shows provided a means by which we could be informed on the latest news and events, even before television existed. à à à à à à à à à à à à [1]ââ¬Å"Can We Talk: The Power and Influence of Talk Showsââ¬Å" by Gini Graham Scottâ⬠, offers that ââ¬Å"both radio and TV have grown up at a time when America and the whole world have been going through an unprecedented period of turmoil and technologic upheaval.â⬠à à à à à à à à à à à Radio, came of age after World War I during the 1920ââ¬â¢s and 1930ââ¬â¢s, when America was transformed from an isolationist power focused on material growth to a member of a world community which experienced major growth to a member of a world community which experienced major cultural changes and a worldwide depression. à à à à à à à à à à à Political forums continue to be a part of talk radio programming in the past and present. In the past, before telephones were invented there was no easy way to communicated with radio personalities, but when telephones emerged, call-in talk radio shows evolved and offered a means to communicated with the radio personalities which made talk radio so much more interesting than before, especially where politics was concerned. à à à à à à à à à à à We were able to listen to the opinions of the public on political issues, not just the ones from radio personalities on the talk radio programs. [2] David Barker, Author of the book, ââ¬Å"Rushed to Judgment: Talk Radio Persuasion, and American Political Behavior,â⬠à talks about call-in talk radio shows and delves into the question, ââ¬Å"is political talk radio a thing of the past.â⬠Barker says ââ¬Å"some have asked whether this new medium can serve as an agent of deliberative democracy, spurring Americans to form pseudo-communities, where policy choices are debated in an open forum, thus bringing American politics closer to a democratic ideal. à à à à à à à à à à à à We often wondered if talk radio programs would fade in popularity and just become a thing of the past times.à More than ever talk radio has boomed since Howard Stern came on the scene with his outrageous behavior, with comments that were so bold that his personality grabbed the attention of America.à He talks about everything from women to politics and doesnââ¬â¢t stifle his views on either. à à à à à à à à à à à Now is a good time to evaluate the effects of political talk radio because the medium is no longer a fad and shows no signs of fading. Talk radio offers a setting for new media to be discussed, while people can listen from the convenience of their homes or automobiles. à à à à à à à à à à à Given the prominent place of talk radio stations in most markets we have now had the time to critically evaluate the effects of a medium that is not disappearing. à à à à à à à à à à à Are news trends changing on talk radio? [3]The website, that answers this question isà www.pbs.org/now/politics/talkradio.html. It shows that ââ¬Å"News trends are changing.â⬠à à à à à à à à à à à à A recent poll showed than an increasing percentage of younger Americans get their news from late night television, and a December 2002 Gallup Poll showed the percentage of Americans who got their news from talk radio has nearly doubled since 1995, from 12 percent to 22 percent. à à à à à à à à à à à Was AM talk radio popular by the 1980ââ¬â¢s? [4] ââ¬Å"By the 1980ââ¬â¢s, AM radio was close to death.â⬠à Most listeners had tossed it on the trash heap of technology in favor of FMââ¬â¢s clarity for music. It was Rush Limbaugh who reinvigorated AM radio and gave it a new purpose, paving the way for many talk show hosts who collectively resurrected a bandwidth most were all too happy to ignore. à à à à à à à à à à à à Religious stations have always been around, in talk radio history? à [5]Soul Talk is a weekly one-hour radio show that has been broadcasting continuously since February of 1996 on Koop 91.7 FM, in Austin Texas. This is just one of many of the religious programs that have broadcasted since radio first arrived on the scene and strong religious beliefs have maintained its stance with Americans. à à à à à à à à à à à Soul Talk articulated spiritually from a pluralistic, universal perspective with relevance to current and social and moral issues. The show offers a venue for listeners to share their sacred and ethical beliefs at the radio table, to be encouraged and spurred to action through positive expressions of faith, in a playful setting. à à à à à à à à ââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢s Cookinââ¬â¢ with Soul Talk Radio? A Spiritual Feast to leaven the world Soulâ⬠can be located at www.soultalkradio.com/. à à à à à à à à à à à How much do we know about early talk radio? [6] Early radio news was usually nothing more dramatized documentary of events. Live recordings were unheard of and technology difficult if not impossible. Rather than simply report events, radio producers felt dramatizing the events would bring the news home more effectively. à à à à à à à à à à à By 1928, Roy Edward Larsen was the General Manager of Time Magazine. It was Larsen, who, as Circulation Manager, increased sales of the magazine from 25,000 to 200,00 in a few short years. Media theorist, Marshall McLuhan, referred to Larsen as an electric man, sensitive to the latest modes of communication and its impact on society. Larsen involved Time in radio as early as 1924 with a sustaining quiz program called Pop Question. Then in 1928, in cooperation with Timeââ¬â¢s Radio Executive, Fred Smith, he began issuing throughout the country over 33 stations daily release of ten minute news briefs drawn from the pages of Time, Larsen called News Casts. The following year they supplemented these News Casts with electrical transcription dramas, ten minutes in length, called News Acting which featured professional actors and sound effects of current news. à à à à à à à à à à à What was one of the first talk radio programs? In the year, 1931, ââ¬Å"The University of Chicago Roundtableâ⬠broadcast by NBC, where University scholars engaged in intellectual discussion and the show slightly resembled the late phenomenon of talk radio. à à à à à à à à à à à Archives, provide talk radio shows from the past.[7] The archives are back! Thanks to the technical wizards of World Talk Radio, all previous shows are once again available for your listening. à à à à à à à à à à à World Talk Radio brings you the most renowned Civil War experts and entertaining enthusiasts ever assembled. Check the archives each week for a new and captivating exploration of politics, personalities, and military campaigns. à à à à à à à à à à à Civil War Talk Radio is provided to listeners by World Talk Radio and the show host and guests. There is no charge to listen or download, but all contributions and donations are said to be welcomed. You can make contributions at, Contribute to Civil War Talk Radio, Civil War Talk Radio, World Talk Radio, www.worldtalkradio.com/show.asp?sid=150 à à à à à à à à à à à Talk radio has come a long way in history to finally being capable of displaying and discussing photography. à à à à à à à à à à à [8] Photo Talk Radio ââ¬Å"Where you can really see photos on the radioâ⬠, the dynamic internet talk show for everyone interested in photography hosted by Howard Lipin and Michael A. Garcia Cr. Photographer, providing you the best information and ideas anywhere to help you make your photography more enjoyable and better than ever. à à à à à à à à à à à With nearly 60 years of day-to-day photography experience between them, Howard and Michael bring Photo Talk Radio alive with practical hands-on, simple to understand, ââ¬Å"How Do I Do That? tips and in depth interviews with photo industry leaders and photographers. à à à à à à à à à à à Their mission is to keep you informed, inspired and coming back for more. In the ever-changing world of photography, Photo Talk Radio, â⬠The Worldwide Voice of Photographyâ⬠, and the place ââ¬Å"Where You Really Can See Photos On Radioâ⬠is the go-to resource for everyone interested in photography from the enthusiast to the pro. à à à à à à à à à à à Photo Talk Radio, World Talk Radio, www.worldtalkradio à à à à à à à à à à à Talk Radio shows have been a part of a stage for political opinions, not excluding the war with Iraq. à à à à à à à à à à à [9] This week should be remembered for beginning the fifth year of the war in Iraq and for the halting efforts of one chamber of Congress to make Year 5 the last. But, right now, Washington is delighted to be distracted by a new crisis in full boil. à à à à à à à à à à à Itââ¬â¢s not the controversy over health care for veterans. That one blew up in late February and grew rapidly to national proportions before receding. It will be back, but for the moment it has to become a subject of multiple investigations and editorial hand-wringing. à à à à à à à à à à à [10] Many books feature information on talk radio such as a book written by Eric Bogosian, ââ¬Å"The Essential Bogosian : Talk Radio, Drinking, in America, Funhouse and Men Inside.â⬠à à à à à à à à à à à The Author writes, ââ¬Å"Reading Talk Radio today is confusing. First of all, there are two Talk Radios: The play and the film.â⬠à à à à à à à à à à à Eric Bogosian also says, ââ¬Å"Talk Radio was not based originally on any radio personality.â⬠à à à à à à à à à à à Despite its title, Talk Radio is not an in-depth, researched, generic documentary. There is no radio station set up like the one in the play. Instead, he wanted to use the format, one few people had any sense of in 1987, as a launching pad to talk about egos and the mass media in general. He loved the notion of this vast landscape of people, the callers. à à à à à à à à à à à He goes on to say, ââ¬Å"I had listened to numerous talk-jocks, particularly Bob Grant and Gary Dee and drew from my pre-teen experience of the legendary Alan Burke and Joe Pyne, two TV talk guys from the sixties with razor blades for tongues. But, when the movie came out, the strangest thing happened, a new guy had showed up and was making big waves soon after the movie came out; his name, of course; Howard Stern. à à à à à à à à à à à Radio talk shows have provided entertainment for ourselves and our ancestors and I couldnââ¬â¢t imagine not being able to turn on my radio to listen to a group of people discussing the latest issues or simply just an off-the-wall subject, for the sheer thrill of entertainment purposes. à à à à à à à à à à à Talk radio will always be around and with satellites on the scene, radio is becoming even more popular than ever with more and more money being spent on new and updated radio systems and monthly and yearly subscriptions. Scott, Gini Graham, 1996, ââ¬Å"Can We Talk?, The Power and Influence of Talk Showsâ⬠Insight Books, Inc. Barker, David, 2002,ââ¬Å"Rushed To Judgment: Talk Radio Persuasion and American Political Behaviorâ⬠Columbia University Press 2007, Now, Talk Radio, Politics and Economy, www.pbs.org/now/politics/talkradio.html Deitz, Corey, 2004, Right Wing Conservative Talk Show Hosts, Bashing AM And FM Whatââ¬â¢s Cookinââ¬â¢ With Soul Talk Radio? A Spiritual Feast To Leaven the World Soul, www.soultalkradio.com/ March of Time, www.otr.com/march.html Contribute to Civil War Talk Radio, Civil War Talk Radio, World Talk Radio, www.worldtalkradio.com/show.asp?sid=150 Photo Talk Radio, World Talk Radio, www.worldtalkradio Elving, Ron, 2007, Gonzales: A Timely Distraction For aAll Sides? NPR, Watching Washington, www.npr.org/templates/story/story/php?storyId=9030022 Bogosian, Eric, 1994, ââ¬Å"The Essential Bogosian: Talk Radio, Drinking in America, Funhouse and Men Insideâ⬠, Theatre Communications Group, From Authorââ¬â¢s Notes, p.3 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Friday, January 3, 2020
Cosmetic Testing On Animals And Animals - 1632 Words
Over 1,000,000,000 animals are killed annually throughout the United States (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). In America alone, over 11,000 research facilities partake in experimenting with cosmetic chemicals on animals (Collins). The number of animals used for cosmetic testing is alarming. Animals and humans differ from one another biologically in many significant ways. Statistics display irrefutably that cosmetic chemical preclinical testing on animals are unreliable. Animal testing is not only wasteful and unreliable; it yields inaccurate results that cannot successfully be interpreted and applied to humans. Cosmetic testing on animals is unacceptable. Cosmetic testing on animals is a process of researching cosmeticâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Manufactures may use the results of animal testing as evidence to prove that they practice ââ¬Å"due diligenceâ⬠in conducting the safety of the products produced. Manufactures also engage in cosmetic chemical testing on animals to develop new products. They also test compounds for sensitive populations such as young children or the elderly. They use these test to determine if humans may have a severe allergic reaction, irritation, or corrosion to the skin or eyes. Using animals for cosmetic testing is deadly. Statistics portray an alarming rate of the number of animals lost due to laboratories participating in the inhumanly experiments on animals. The United States leads all nations in animal research facilities. Research laboratories conduct a plethora amount of test on animals. For example, a single unit of deodorant has one active ingredient (Aluminum Chlorohydrate) and an average of 11 inactive ingredients (Cyclopentasiloxane, isopropyl, palmitate, stearyl alcohol, mineral oil, talc, hydrogenated castor oil, fragrance, steareth-one hundred and butyl hydroxytoluene). For each single ingredient, the laboratories administer 11 main tests on animals. Once all results from each individual test are retrieved and analyzed, then all ingredients combined are then administered for a series of testsââ¬â¢. A single stick of deodorant is registered through at least one hundred and thirty two tests prior to human usage. ScientistsShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing For Cosmetic Products Essay2037 Words à |à 9 Pagesbans on animal testing for cosmetic products in several countries, including India, Israel, Norway, the European union and mostly recently, New Zealand, the United states, Canada, and Australia are among the countries who have yet to ban this ethically wrong practice and allow it to occur. Animal testing can be dated back to the ancient times of the Greeks and Romans, but many people still believe that the old-fashioned practice of animal testing for cosmetics died years ago. Typically, animal testsRead MoreAnimal Testing For The Sake Of Cosmetics2007 Words à |à 9 Pagesââ¬Å"According to the view that an animal s moral claim is equivalent to a moral right, any action that fails to treat the animal as a being with inherent worth would violate that animal s right and is thus morally objectionable (Gruen).â⬠This quote relates to a serious matter in that the use of animals in the testing of cosmetics is inhumane. Animal testing for the sake of cosmetics is a cruel, unethical and an unnecessary method of practice. There is debate among the companies in this practice (asRead MoreAnimal Testing On Cosmetics : Its Not Necessary1620 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å "100,000-200,000 animals suffer and die just for cosmetics every year around the world.â⬠(Humanesociety.org). Majority of these innocent animals ends up dying for no absolute reason at all also. Animal testing in cosmetics is a problem all around the world, but especially in the US. These animals need our help. Animal testing on cosmetics is nothing new in the US; animals have been getting tested on since the beginning of time. Whatââ¬â¢s different about cosmetics testing is that itââ¬â¢s not necessary. Thereââ¬â¢sRead MoreEssay on Cosmetics Testing on Animals, Is It Necessary?547 Words à |à 3 PagesWhy should animals have to die, just for humans to have cosmetics? It is understandable if you want to cover up a scar on your face, but to just wear makeup because you think you need it, or because you feel like you cannot live without it, is ridiculous. Animals should not be dyeing for our insecurities on how we look, or on how society judges us. If society sees someon e who is not Barbie or Ken perfect they judge us, so we put makeup on, it is not right for society to do that. Because of theirRead MoreThe Evils of Cosmetic Animal Testing Essay2159 Words à |à 9 PagesA lot of people buy cosmetic products being ignorant to the fact that, that one product has killed a lot of animals. How would you like being sprayed with poisonous liquids, taking poisonous eye drops?, or being fed toxic substances? Cosmetic factories have been doing these inhumane things and more to innocent animals for years. According to PETA, every year, millions of animals are poisoned and killed in barbaric tests that were crudely developed as long ago as the 1920s to evaluate the toxicityRead MoreBanning Cosmetic Animal Testing Should Not Be Banned2375 Words à |à 10 PagesBanning Cosmetic Animal Testing ââ¬Å"If you want to test cosmetics, why do it on some poor animal who hasn t done anything? They should use prisoners who have been convicted of murder or rape instead. So, rather than seeing if perfume irritates a bunny rabbit s eye, they should throw it in Charles Manson s eyes and ask him if it hurtsâ⬠(Ellen DeGeneres). Animal testing has been dated back to the Greeks in the 2nd and 4th centuries BCE, but cosmetic animal testing did not beginRead MoreCosmetic Animal Testing2215 Words à |à 9 PagesMeadows English 101 4/1/2012 Cosmetic Animal Testing: Scientifically and Unethically Inaccurate Animal testing is still done by cosmetic companies even though it is unethical and scientifically inaccurate. The various tests carried out on animals is not a guarantee for using cosmetics on our skin since animals react differently to certain chemicals as compared to humans. Cosmetics companies kill millions of animals every year in pursuit of profit. The animals that suffer and die in these laboratoriesRead MoreAnimal Testing : Cosmetic Manufacturers1375 Words à |à 6 PagesMany products that we use on a daily routine have been part of animal testing. Throughout the years this has become a problem that millions of people have been raising awareness for and trying to find a solution to end this cruel act. But is this enough? One of the most notorious users of animal testing is cosmetic manufacturers. Throughout the year s many cosmetic companies have been trying to transition into using cruelty-free products. For example, Marla Donato from the Chicago Tribune statesRead MoreAnima l Testing in Cosmetics Essay1033 Words à |à 5 Pageshousehold items such as lotions, shampoos and cosmetics arenââ¬â¢t very expensive and are within reach for the public, yet the public is not knowledgeable of the fact that the products that they use everyday are put through a series of tests which involve the use of harmless animals. Several large commercial companies do not make products for animals; they decide that using these harmless creatures for the testing of their products, could be cause to be harmful to animals still go forward with these types ofRead MoreAnimal Testing And The Cosmetic Industry994 Words à |à 4 Pages Synthesis paper In this paper there are three main topics that are going to be covered. They are alternatives to animal testing, animal testing in cosmetics, and the news in the cosmetic industry related to animal testing. For this paper there were four sources that were evaluated. All of them had a few things in common and through that it was easy to link them together through three different subtopics that will be evaluated later in this paper. The first source that I will be using is ââ¬Å"The Science
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